Flutter WebView 库梳理
1WebView 是 Flutter 下的一个老大难问题。难的问题,也是有意思的问题。在这一主题下,诞生了很多有意思的项目。
首先,有 Flutter 官方团队维护的 webview_flutter,目前已经基本解决了移动端(Android、iOS)下 Flutter 使用 WebView 的问题。社区根据 webview_flutter,涌现出一批三方实现,封装的能力更多。
在桌面端方面,进度明显落后于移动端。基于 iOS、macOS 的系统架构相似性,首先涌现出 macOS 下的 Flutter WebView。之后,在 Windows 端基于 WebView2 也有 Flutter WebView 了。近日,由日本开发者完成了 Linux 下 Flutter WebView 的开发,底层基于 CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework)。我觉得 CEF 不失于整个桌面端统一 Flutter WebView 方案,有很大潜力。
在脑洞方面?首先 Tizen 系统完成了 WebView 的实现(Tizen 下还能用 Flutter?)。然后,还有小伙伴,基于 WebF(一个以 Flutter
技术栈实现的 W3C 部分兼容浏览器渲染引擎)进行桌面端展示。
webview_flutter(3.6k likes, 3.8k stars)
A Flutter plugin that provides a WebView widget on Android and iOS.
- webview_flutter | Flutter Package
- 由 Flutter 团队维护
- 平台:
- Android:webview_flutter_android
- iOS:webview_flutter_wkwebview
《1.1 使用 Flutter webview_flutter 库引入 WebView 能力》
源码分析《Flutter webview_flutter Android 端实现原理》
- 将 WebView 添加到您的 Flutter 应用
- 在 Flutter 中使用 webview_flutter 4.0 | js 交互 - 掘金
- 如何使用Flutter WebView插件渲染网页(详细介绍) - 掘金
- webview_flutter v4とその恩恵
- Flutter WebView使用以及分析 - 简书
- flutter:webview_flutter和flutter_inappwebview的简单使用-CSDN博客
- Flutter|webview_flutter で Web ページを表示させる方法 - 転職したらスマレジだった件
webview_flutter_plus_latest | Flutter Package
A Flutter plugin that provides a WebView widget based on Apple's WKWebView control.
A Flutter plugin that provides a WebView widget based on Apple's WKWebView control.
a webview widget with full-platform support, based on the existing packages
a webview widget with full-platform support, based on the existing packages
- On iOS the Webview widget is backed by a WKWebView.
- On Android the Webview widget is backed by a WebView.
- On web the Webview widget will use the webview_flutter_web plugin.
- On desktop the Webview widget will use the webf plugin and only support less complex webpages.
A Linux Desktop implementation for the webview_flutter (v3.0.4) plugin, powered by CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework)
flutter_linux_webview | Flutter package
Tizen implementation of the webview_flutter plugin.
Tizen implementation of the webview_flutter plugin.
Tizen implementation of the webview_flutter plugin backed by Lightweight Web Engine.
This library contains a dynamic Flutter widget module based on the shelf_easy virtual machine, and some third-party library bridge generation modules.
yangfanyu 作者的项目很有意思。
A Flutter plugin to integrate platform views directly into the Flutter view hierarchy, aiming to provide the best possible performance.
Plugins 插件 |
simple_google_maps_flutter |
simple_webview_flutter |
本文链接:Flutter WebView 库梳理
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