Flutter FlutterImageView

在 Flutter 中,Android 下使用 FlutterView 展示 Flutter UI。FlutterView 支持三种展示模式:FlutterTextureView、FlutterSurfaceView、FlutterImageView。

Flutter 支持 PlatformView 能力,能够将原生平台视图,嵌入到 Flutter UI 中展示。PlatformView 由分为多种模式,其中一种模式是 Hybrid composition 模式,在这种模式下,FlutterView 需要使用 FlutterImageView 进行配套展示。

在日常开发中,我们通常使用 FlutterTextureView 或 FlutterSurfaceView。当 Flutter UI 中出现嵌入原生视图时,FlutterView 会自动切换到 FlutterImageView 模式下,当嵌入原生视图从 Flutter UI 中消失后,FlutterView 又会自动切换至原来的模式。

Hybrid composition 渲染模式下,FlutterView 为了展示嵌入的原生视图,会采取一种类似”汉堡包“的多层级视图:

总结 FlutterImageView 的功能:

  1. Flutter Android Hybrid composition PlatformView 模式下的 FlutterView 渲染模式
  2. 用于替换原来的 FlutterTextureView/FlutterSurfaceView,渲染底层 Flutter UI
  3. 渲染覆盖在嵌入原生视图之上的 Flutter UI

注:FlutterImageView 不是 Android 的 ImageView,不要搞混了


FlutterImageView 下的核心成员:


  1. Flutter Engine 将 Flutter UI 渲染到 imageReader
  2. imageReader 捕获帧,保存到 Image
  3. 从 Image 转换出 Bitmap
  4. 将 Bitmap 绘制到 Canvas 中。


创建 imageReader 实例

private static ImageReader createImageReader(int width, int height) {
  // ……
  if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 29) {
    return ImageReader.newInstance(
        HardwareBuffer.USAGE_GPU_SAMPLED_IMAGE | HardwareBuffer.USAGE_GPU_COLOR_OUTPUT);
  } else {
    return ImageReader.newInstance(width, height, PixelFormat.RGBA_8888, 3);

做了版本区分,API 29(Android 10)以上走 GPU。这也是为什么说 Android 10 以下版本 Hybrid composition 模式性能下降的原因。走 GPU 的话,帧是从 GPU -> GPU 的传递。如果低版本,需要 GPU -> CPU -> GPU,多了一层内存拷贝的过程。

将 imageReader 绑定到 FlutterRenderer

 * Invoked by the owner of this {@code FlutterImageView} when it wants to begin rendering a
 * Flutter UI to this {@code FlutterImageView}.
public void attachToRenderer(@NonNull FlutterRenderer flutterRenderer) {
  switch (kind) {
    case background:
    case overlay:
      // Do nothing since the attachment is done by the handler of
      // `FlutterJNI#createOverlaySurface()` in the native side.
  this.flutterRenderer = flutterRenderer;
  isAttachedToFlutterRenderer = true;

其中,kind 是 FlutterImageView 中的一个枚举,指示 FlutterImageView 是作为底图(background)还是覆盖(overlay):

public enum SurfaceKind {
  /** Displays the background canvas. */

  /** Displays the overlay surface canvas. */



acquireLatestImage 方法用于读取新的帧,该方法由外部调用,将在后续小节中分析。需要注意的是,拿到新的帧后,会调用 invalidate 触发一次绘制流程,走到接下来的上屏逻辑。

 * Acquires the next image to be drawn to the {@link android.graphics.Canvas}. Returns true if
 * there's an image available in the queue.
public boolean acquireLatestImage() {
  if (!isAttachedToFlutterRenderer) {
    return false;
  // 1. `acquireLatestImage()` may return null if no new image is available.
  // 2. There's no guarantee that `onDraw()` is called after `invalidate()`.
  // For example, the device may not produce new frames if it's in sleep mode
  // or some special Android devices so the calls to `invalidate()` queued up
  // until the device produces a new frame.
  // 3. While the engine will also stop producing frames, there is a race condition.
  final Image newImage = imageReader.acquireLatestImage();
  if (newImage != null) {
    // Only close current image after acquiring valid new image
    currentImage = newImage;
  return newImage != null;


FlutterImageView 复写了 ViewonDraw 方法,将 Bitmap 绘制到 Android 视图上:

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
  if (currentImage != null) {
  if (currentBitmap != null) {
    canvas.drawBitmap(currentBitmap, 0, 0, null);

其中,updateCurrentBitmap 方法用于将 Image 转换为 Bitmap。里面区分 API 29,分为走 GPU 和不走。

至此,FlutterImageView 完成了屏幕展示。

FlutterImageView 模式下的视图更新

当 FlutterView 位于 FlutterImageView 模式下,视图是如何更新的呢?

PlatformViewsController 负责 PlatformView 模式下的相关操作,其中 onEndFrame 负责一帧结束后,更新 FlutterImageView。具体实现如下:

 * Called by {@code FlutterJNI} when the Flutter frame was submitted.
 * <p>This member is not intended for public use, and is only visible for testing.
public void onEndFrame() {
  // 如果 FlutterView 处于 FlutterImageView 模式,但是这一帧里没有嵌原生视图
  // Flutter 会立刻自动将 FlutterImageView 模式切换回原模式
  // If there are no platform views in the current frame,
  // then revert the image view surface and use the previous surface.
  // Otherwise, acquire the latest image.
  if (flutterViewConvertedToImageView && currentFrameUsedPlatformViewIds.isEmpty()) {
    flutterViewConvertedToImageView = false;
        () -> {
          // Destroy overlay surfaces once the surface reversion is completed.
  // Whether the current frame was rendered using ImageReaders.
  // Since the image readers may not have images available at this point,
  // this becomes true if all the required surfaces have images available.
  // This is used to decide if the platform views can be rendered in the current frame.
  // If one of the surfaces doesn't have an image, the frame may be incomplete and must be
  // dropped.
  // For example, a toolbar widget painted by Flutter may not be rendered.
  // 能走到这,说明是 FlutterImageView 模式,且当前帧有嵌原生视图
  // 并且 flutterView(底图那个)成功获取到了新的帧
  final boolean isFrameRenderedUsingImageReaders =
      flutterViewConvertedToImageView && flutterView.acquireLatestImageViewFrame();

注意,上面代码中,在 Flutter Engine 完成一帧帧绘制后,触发 flutterView 去同步了最新的帧。

finishFrame 负责 platformView 和上层的 overlay FlutterImageView 处理,它接收一个参数,表明当前帧是否与 ImageRender 关联:

private void finishFrame(boolean isFrameRenderedUsingImageReaders) {
  // 更新当前帧的 Overlays
  // 获取覆盖在原生视图上面的 Overlay Flutter UI,根据 HC 模式的算法,可能有多个
  // 所有的 Overlay
  for (int i = 0; i < overlayLayerViews.size(); i++) {
    final int overlayId = overlayLayerViews.keyAt(i);
    // 这些 FlutterImageView 提前由 createOverlaySurface 创建好
    final FlutterImageView overlayView = overlayLayerViews.valueAt(i);
    // 过滤出当前帧所包含的
    if (currentFrameUsedOverlayLayerIds.contains(overlayId)) {
	  // 将这些 overlayView 关联到 FlutterRenderer
	  // 但因为他们是 overlay 类型,实际什么都没做
      // 请求一帧
      final boolean didAcquireOverlaySurfaceImage = overlayView.acquireLatestImage();
      isFrameRenderedUsingImageReaders &= didAcquireOverlaySurfaceImage;
    } else {
	  // 如果当前帧里不包含这个 overlay
      // If the background surface isn't rendered by the image view, then the
      // overlay surfaces can be detached from the rendered.
      // This releases resources used by the ImageReader.
      // 如果 FlutterView 模式已经不是 ImageView,将 OverView 与 Renderer 解绑
      if (!flutterViewConvertedToImageView) {
      // 隐藏掉不再当前帧的 overlay
      // Hide overlay surfaces that aren't rendered in the current frame.

  // 展示当前帧包含的 PlatformView
  for (int i = 0; i < platformViewParent.size(); i++) {
    final int viewId = platformViewParent.keyAt(i);
    final View parentView = platformViewParent.get(viewId);

    // This should only show platform views that are rendered in this frame and either:
    //  1. Surface has images available in this frame or,
    //  2. Surface does not have images available in this frame because the render surface should
    // not be an ImageView.
    // The platform view is appended to a mutator view.
    // Otherwise, hide the platform view, but don't remove it from the view hierarchy yet as
    // they are removed when the framework diposes the platform view widget.
    if (currentFrameUsedPlatformViewIds.contains(viewId)
        && (isFrameRenderedUsingImageReaders || !synchronizeToNativeViewHierarchy)) {
    } else {


FlutterImageView 内部销毁方法

detachFromRenderer:从 FlutterRenderer 中解绑,同时会清空 Bitmap,并触发绘制,变成空白并且透明:

 * Invoked by the owner of this {@code FlutterImageView} when it no longer wants to render a
 * Flutter UI to this {@code FlutterImageView}.
public void detachFromRenderer() {
  if (!isAttachedToFlutterRenderer) {
  // 设置为透明
  // Drop the latest image as it shouldn't render this image if this view is
  // attached to the renderer again.
  // Clear drawings.
  currentBitmap = null;

  // Close and clear the current image if any.
  isAttachedToFlutterRenderer = false;

public void pause() {
  // Not supported.

closeImageReader:关闭 ImageReader

 * Closes the image reader associated with the current {@code FlutterImageView}.
 * <p>Once the image reader is closed, calling {@code acquireLatestImage} will result in an {@code
 * IllegalStateException}.
public void closeImageReader() {

从注解中看出,imageReader 关闭之后,就不能调用 acquireLatestImage 了。

closeCurrentImage:关闭 Image:

private void closeCurrentImage() {
  // Close and clear the current image if any.
  if (currentImage != null) {
    currentImage = null;


FlutterView detachFromFlutterEngine

if (flutterImageView != null) {
  flutterImageView = null;

FlutterView revertImageView

将 FlutterImageView 模式转换为之前的模式。

PlatformViewsController finishFrame

当前帧中不包含的 overlay,会 detachFromRenderer

PlatformViewsController destroyOverlaySurfaces、removeOverlaySurfaces

销毁 overlay ImageViews。

PlatformViewsController detachFromView

 * This {@code PlatformViewController} and its {@code FlutterEngine} are no longer attached to an
 * Android {@code View} that renders a Flutter UI.
 * <p>All platform views controlled by this {@code PlatformViewController} will be detached from
 * the previously attached {@code View}.
public void detachFromView() {
  this.flutterView = null;
  flutterViewConvertedToImageView = false;

  // Inform all existing platform views that they are no longer associated with
  // a Flutter View.
  for (VirtualDisplayController controller : vdControllers.values()) {


本文链接:Flutter FlutterImageView

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