Flutter Widget Navigator Route


Flutter Navigator Route _RouteLifecycle



The didPop method in a Flutter Route plays a critical role in determining how the route responds to a pop request. The difference between returning true and false from this method has significant implications for the route's lifecycle and behavior in the navigator stack:

Returning true from didPop:

  1. Navigator Removes the Route: When didPop returns true, it indicates that the route agrees to be popped (removed) from the navigator stack.

  2. Route's Responsibility to Finalize: Although the navigator removes the route from the history, it doesn't immediately dispose of the route. The route is responsible for calling NavigatorState.finalizeRoute, which then leads to its disposal. This mechanism allows the route to perform an exit animation or other visual effects before being completely disposed of.

  3. Immediate Resolution of popped Future: The didPop method should call didComplete to resolve the popped future. This resolution should occur regardless of any ongoing exit animations, ensuring that the future is resolved as soon as the route agrees to pop.

Returning false from didPop:

  1. Route Handles Pop Internally: Returning false suggests that the route wants to handle the pop request internally. This might be the case if the route manages its own internal state or navigation stack (like nested navigators or tabs).

  2. Prevents Default Pop Behavior: By returning false, the route prevents the default behavior of NavigatorState.pop. This means the navigator does not automatically remove the route from the history.

  3. Maintains Route in History: Since the navigator does not remove the route from the stack, the route remains active and visible in the navigator's history.


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